Bio 110: The Cell
Upper division course for students in bio major. The course covers fundamental principles of cell biology, at the microscopic and molecular levels, on the structure and physiological properties of the cell, including its organelles, energy extraction and storage, signal transduction, and cell cycle. Major topics covered in this course include: the theory of some laboratory techniques used in cell biology research, structure and function of the plasma membrane, membrane transport, protein trafficking, the cytoskeleton, signal transduction pathways, and cell division and proliferation.
QSB 211: Advanced Neurobiology – Neurodevelopment and Cell Signaling
This is an advanced level course for graduate students with a background in fundamental Neuroscience. The course is designed to introduce principles in neurodevelopment across several scales of neurobiology, including molecular and cellular biology, organ patterning and tissue formation. It focuses on illustration of how the organism integrates these principles to instruct the formation of the nervous system. Students will practice their oral communication skills during presentation of research literature, and hone their writing skills with a writing project.
QSB 298: Directed group study – Neurobiology journal club and joint lab meeting
Weekly journal club on neuroscience literature. Monthly joint lab meeting among four neurobiology labs.
QSB 139: Research Lab of Cell Biology – course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE)
Designed as a course of course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE), this curriculum is tailored to initiate students into the realms of discovery-driven research in cell biology. The goal is to immerse students in the open-ended research through the process of elucidating the previously undetermined subcellular localization of disease-related proteins. Pivotal skills include molecular cloning, cell culture, cell transfection methods, immunofluorescence staining procedures, and microscopic imaging techniques. Students will actively examine cell and organelle morphology through fluorescence imaging technique, and explore literature related to cell signaling pathways and their implications in human diseases.